Today, I was reading my newest email from 1000 AWESOME THINGS. I really love getting them each morning. They really make my day. His little daily blurbs are about little things that everyone can relate to. Today’s was called “#800 Finally getting a splinter out of your finger

It tells of how satisfying it is to finally get it out.

So, I say – …..aaaand especially using MECCA ointment!!!! 🙂
..Lachlan became a convert from his Brit. version called savlon when we were in Cuba and I got a bitch of splinter in the bottom of my foot.

So, I bandaged it up (post shower) with mecca and a bandaid, and hobbled off to dinner….cause, God knows, I couldn’t MISS THAT!! :):)
When we returned, I thought I’d let it air out. I took off the bandaid and VOILA!!..splinter sitting DEAD!! in the mecca.

I decided then, to dedicate my life and teachings to the god we now know as MECCA…I mean billions of muslims can’t be wrong….right?

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4 responses to “MY MECCA”

  1. Virginia Garncarz says :

    Oh God Bless you for my MECCA. I accused my mans of not really looking for it or he would have found it. He swore up and down and sideways too, that it did not exist anymore. Even the girl child was excited when she saw it…you are the saviour. I had to open it to sniff it…just to make sure. From truly grateful sisty to truly thoughtful fed panty. xoxo

    • wendystorey53 says :

      your ‘mans’ was right….it WAS gone…i searched for a long time…but, the sign In the pharmacy said, “IT’S BACK!!”…I even checked on line….soo, someone , somewhere was listening 🙂

  2. Kristie says :

    I love love love your natural ease at writing.

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